Big deadline? Try Good Bloggy.

Big deadline? Try Good Bloggy.
Image by Colorful Grays on Tess

A new AI-powered content writing for long-form content projects

Using AI to write content sounds great in theory—you give it a text prompt and it spits out a reasonable first draft. But that's not how it works in practice. Getting that decent draft often requires lengthy chat streams in which you iterate outlines and then pass each section to the AI for writing, again and again. And this process can be especially frustrating when you're building a long-form post or paper, something longer that 1,200 words or so.

To make this process less painful, I've been working on a tool I'm calling Good Bloggy that makes writing with AI faster, easier, and more effective.

Good Bloggy: Your long-form content collaborator

Good Bloggy simplifies and speeds up long-form content creation. Using AI models from Anthropic and a unique content creation framework, it generates impressive first drafts in minutes. What sets it apart is its ability to take a creative brief like you would give a human, ensuring the AI understands your vision. You can also incorporate blogger identities, style guides, and writing samples into the process. Good Bloggy starts with an outline based on your creative brief and then produces thoughtful, section-by-section copy, complete with expert citations.

Good Bloggy home page. Logo art from Image by Colorful Grays on Tess

Key features

Define Writer Identities, Style Guides, and Writing Samples: Customize your content to match your unique voice and style.

Easily add and edit Style Guides.

Background research integration: Pull in relevant information from the web to support your content. (Still in development.)

Generate detailed outlines: Plan your narrative with comprehensive outlines based on creative briefs. Easily edit the output or update your brief and try again.

AI will generate your outline. Easily edit the output or change your prompt and try again.

Create blogs of any length: Generate complete blogs with just one click. Good Bloggy writes content based on your outline, one section at a time, and shares a single, editable file complete with sources.

Good Bloggy produces blog copy based on your outline and creative brief.

Store and manage your projects: Keep all your creative briefs, outlines, and posts organized and easily accessible.

Easily keep track of your blogs.

The Good Bloggy experience

  • Uncluttered welcome page: Easy access to add Blogger Identities, Style Guides, and Writing Samples.
  • Outline request form: Set up like a creative brief for clear and organized content planning.
  • Editable creative briefs: Update and regenerate outlines as needed by change the details in your creative brief.
  • Section-by-section generation: Automatically compile your blog sections into a single cohesive document.

Good Bloggy takes the hassle out of long-form content creation, making it faster and more efficient to produce high-quality drafts tailored to your needs.

Read an example

Good Bloggy produced a first draft of this 1,800-word post using its Create by Sections option. After about 30 minutes of editing by a human, it was ready to publish.

Programming with ChatGPT...the good, the bad, and the buggy
The more I learned about AI, the more I wanted to build things with it. There was just one problem—while I’m a casual developer with a high-level familiarity of several programming languages, I don’t have a deep computer science background or lots of syntax committed to memory. Generally speaking,

Get early access

If you'd like to try the beta version of Good Bloggy, please use this form to get on our list. It is scheduled to launch in August 2024.

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